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Since 1965 Arthur has been studying movement and martial arts. In 1989, at the prestigious Taste of China Tournament" held in Virginia, he won the super-heavy weight push hands championships. Since then, two of Arthur"s students have gone on to win this award, one in the male division and the other in the female division.

Arthur is a black belt in Chinese Kempo, a certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher, a Reiki Master and has developed his unique healing method called "Goodridge Vibration Therapy". He started studying Tai Chi Chuan with Master T.T. Liang in 1972. Besides studying with Master Liang he has studied Taoist Yoga with Mantak Chia, Ba-Gua and other Taoist exercises with Master Kwan, Yi-Chuan with Master Y.P. Dong, Shing-Yi with Sifu Kenny Gong, Reiki with Laurie Grant, Chinese Energetic Medicine with Dr. Kam Yuen and Body Awareness and Kinesiology with Bob Cooly. Arthur is one of the masters featured in the video, "Masters on the Mountain, II" which was produced by Sierra Internal Arts.

He received his Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Lesley College in 1979 and has worked as a therapist with adults, children, couples and families.

Also a writer, musician and composer, Arthur has had several articles published in magazines, and has had many concerts of his music performed within the greater Boston area as well as in New York and New Jersey
MOVING TOGETHER MIND BODY CENTER was founded by Arthur Goodridge who in the past forty years has studied martial arts, healing arts, dance, yoga, meditation, music and psychology. Arthur’s vision is that Moving Together will be a place where people, young and old, feel safe to explore and grow and become healthy and strong. Growth and health occur on many levels. At Moving Together, Arthur and his colleagues create an environment in which the physical, emotional, spiritual, artistic and political aspects of the student have an opportunity to be expressed, challenged and grow. At Moving Together we believe that emotional, spiritual and physical health thrives in a proactive and not reactive environment.

We have group and private classes in Tai Chi Chuan, Ba-Gua Zhang, Shing-Yi, Chuan Do, Push Hands and Yi Chuan Chi Kung. We also have out reach classes for seniors, children, and people with special conditions such MS, HIV and Aids. We offer private sessions in Goodridge Vibration Therapy, Chinese Energetic Medicine, Cranial Sacral Therapy and Reiki.

Our public classes are designed for each person to learn and develop at their own pace. The focus of our classes is on developing body awareness and physical and mental flexibility. During the course of a class a student may work alone, with a partner, or in a group. Students are often called upon to teach one another and give each other feedback. We believe that true learning starts when you teach. There is a set time at the end of each class for informal discussions about class or issues students are working through. We strive to build self confidence, strong agile bodies, and an understanding attitude.

Although our work is primarily physical, spiritual, and artistic, we seek to maintain a political awareness and involvement. We support the struggles and concerns of African-Americans and other People of Color, and the rights of women, and of gays and lesbians. We are aware of the stress and lack of support many people experience and believe that the practices we teach and the environment that we create at Moving Together can help people deal more constructively with the tensions in their lives.